Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible

Yesterday I surfed cloudbreak. It was a bit bigger than what I’m usually okay with; the current was ripping— it was a constant paddle to avoid being dragged out to sea. A set came through and along with it a pod of 20+ dolphins. They were flying in the waves, jumping and leaping out of the ocean. As they came closer to me, I kept thinking how cool it would be to catch a set wave with them. As they bolted past, I hid behind my board— it literally felt like one was going to leap into me and knock me out. As they passed, I watched in awe as the dolphins danced and twirled their way past the rolling sets. Then I realised how far the current had take me.

The thoughts in my head: I have to catch a wave because a. I missed surfing with the dolphins and b. If I don’t, I’ll never make it back. I paddled as hard as I could towards the shrinking boats as another set came though. The first 3 waves came and my heart was beating hard from fear, adrenaline, and paddling. When the next wave came, I knew it was the one I had to take.

I told myself, you’re going and committing, no hesitation. I turned around and paddled for it; I caught the wave and made the drop! I was flying. I couldn’t believe I made it— I caught the wave and completed the most challenging part. I was in such disbelief that I froze, stopped focusing half way through, and sort of just fell off.

I love surfing because of the lessons it teaches. Yesterday I learned that committing all the way is the key to success. Keeping the confidence steady and flowing throughout the process and not just in the challenging moments is what will allow us to complete what we set out to do. We have to commit 100% and trust ourselves, truly believing that we will make it.

There will be times when self-doubt takes over and that’s okay! Keep trying and keep working at it. Use the almosts as motivation— I almost made what would have been the best ride of my life thus far— to push yourself closer towards your goals and to keep you hungry reaching for your dreams. ✨

Believe in yourself, anything is possible.


Surfing Cloudbreak