3 Poses and Affirmations to Boost Confidence

The first time I went to a yoga class, I was 19. I had extremely low self esteem, hated my body, and was insecure about who I was. I was fearful of taking up space and constantly wanted to disappear. I had always been anxiously shy and uncomfortably awkward when it came to meeting new people.

Yoga has taught me how to embody confidence and over the years has translated into my ability to be proud of who I am. It started with subtle things like standing taller and having better posture. Learning to replace negative self-talk with loving words shifted my focus from constantly criticising myself to understanding I am loved and my mission on this planet is to share the gift of well-being.

Here are 3 poses and affirmations that will help boost your confidence!


Warrior 1

Warrior 1— “I am strong.”

From a standing position at the top of your mat, step your right foot back about arms distance width behind you. Step the right foot flat so the back toes are poining towards the right front corner of the mat. Keep the front/ left knee bent, making sure to stack the knee over the ankle. Turn the hips to face forward and reach your arms to the sky. Relax your shoulders and make sure the belly isn't popping out— hug the navel towards the spine to keep the core engaged. Take 5 deep breaths and repeat out loud the affirmation, "I am strong" three times.

Warrior 2— “I am worthy.”

From Warrior 1, shift the right foot so it is parallel to the short end of the mat, make sure the front heal is in line with the back arch. Turn your hips to face towards the right as you open the arms out to the side. Focus on reaching the fingertips in either directions and look over the left fingertips. Take 5 breaths and repeat out loud, "I am worthy" three times.

Triangle pose— “I am Beautiful.”

From Warrior 2, extend the front leg straight, hug your kneecaps up towards your thighs to engage your quadriceps. Reach the left arm all the way forwrad before releasing your left hand towards the left shin. Reach the right arm to sky and look towards the right thumb-- repeat the following, “I am Beautiful.” Say this affirmation out loud three times

Step forward and repeat on the other side.


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