Girls Go Surfing

Yesterday evening, Lily, Mei Mei, Sunia and I went surfing at Natadola. After a beach clean up, pop-up practice, and yoga, we were ready to get in the water. @sefo_tuiwai did a great job helping the girls catch their first waves.

Sunia teaching the girls how to pop up at Natadola
Pre-surf beach clean up

We live in a rural community by the sea on a sugar cane farm just outside of Nadi Town. The other night, we were on a sunset walk when Lily started asking about surfing. She talked about how her and her friend have plans to go out surfing one day. Mei Mei was playing in the sea as we watched the sun go down.

Mei Mei playing in the ocean at sunset

In Fiji, we see a lot of foreigners and expats surfing. The Fijians you see in the water are often there because of work. The Itaukei girls you see surfing can be counted on less than one hand.

Surfing in Fiji is an expensive sport and usually requires a boat or a car. Although, we did see @the.levrone who took a public bus from Nadi and hitched his way from the main road to the sea. Equipment is next to impossible to get because you can't buy much here--it's either really expensive or nonexistent so we are super grateful @sugarhousefiji lent us boards for the girls to use!!!

It was Lily's first time to Natadola and Mei Mei's second. We snacked on pineapples and granola bars as the sky turned from orange to pink to purple. We packed up the car and headed home.


Hi! My name is Lea


For the Love of Surf