Recognise Your Stress Responses

Life has been so good lately. Everything feels in flow— there’s balance between work and play, jobs are abundant, and my confidence is up.

But, I’ve been feeling stressed af because it seems like I’m barely keeping up and there aren’t enough hours in the day! Practicing mindfulness makes it easier to recognize my stress patterns: getting irritated by little things, eating everything all at once, scrolling way to long on IG, etc.

I’ve been implementing new habits to help curb my stress responses:
- Naming my moods and understanding why I feel that way I.e. I feel irritated because I didn’t get enough sleep
- Taking the time to cook instead of stress snacking
- Exercising consistently with or without the surf
- Charging my phone away from my bed

Learning to manage stress through action helps us focus on doing the things we need to do in order to live the life we want.

What is one action you’re taking today to manage stress?


Surfing Life Lesson: Go at Your Own Pace


Inia Featured on Surfline