Corporate Wellness

Our mission is to bring wellness to the people.

As reported on the Fijian Government Facebook Page, β€œIn Fiji, 80% of deaths are caused by non communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. The majority of these diseases are often caused by the overconsumption of foods that are high in cholesterol, fat, sugar and salt and by lack of physical exercise. Smoking and high alcohol intake also aggravate these diseases. We now see young people in their twenties and thirties dying from heart attacks; strokes; experiencing kidney failure; and undergoing diabetic amputations; the list goes on.”

How can wellness make a difference?

Yoga and meditation are physically and mentally beneficial for all ages and backgrounds. These practices help to develop our overall awareness of personal health and well-being.

  • Yoga helps with recovering from injuries, coping will illness, and experiencing healing.

  • It builds strength, balance, and flexibility; it alleviates back pain and increases heart health.

  • It also reduces insomnia, stress, and anxiety.

  • Mediation improves creativity and innovation.

  • Practicing meditation regularly helps people manage stress and regulate emotions thus leading to to increased resilience.

  • Meditation helps to develop three essential skills for solving creativity blocks: keeping the mind open to new ideas, focusing for longer periods of time, and showing courage in the face of skepticism and setbacks.

We provide workshops and trainings to businesses who are looking to improve the wellness of their employees.

Our Mindfulness for Leadership Development Program covers topics like:

  • How to manage stress?

  • Emotional regulation

  • Confidence in the workplace

  • Team Bonding

Contact us if your business is interested in increasing well-being, creativity, and leadership in your workplace.